Portland Art Museum Exhibition, Restoring the Breath:
Chief George and Willard Joseph robe along with apprentices robes, l-r Ang George, George/Joseph, Michelle Hebert, Raquel Joe, Kim Seward (photo credit: Portland Art Museum)

Chief Janice George modelling the master weaving created for CCNA: Restoring the Breath-Sacred Relationship at The Portland Art Museum
- Chief Janice George’s Teacher and Late Grandmother Kwitelut-t Lena Jacobs
- Inspired by the Chief Capilano blanket design
- Inspired by the Chief Capilano blanket design
- Charlie’s regalia woven by Janice for the baby ceremony.
- Outdoor weaving.
- Weavings created for the Squamish Lil’wat Cultural Centre
- We recently taught a workshop on how to make geometric designs utilizing twining technique to weavers in Sechelt.
- At Suquamish Weavers Symposium 2016
- Weavings commissioned by Simon Fraser University.
- Weaving for The Capilano Tea House
- Close up of the border for the weaving at The Capilano Tea House.
- Chief Janice George and Leslie Tepper Phd, Museum of Civilization